Boomerang-shaped UFO hovered and moved slowly – Montgomery, Indiana

This bright boomerang-shaped object was filmed over Montgomery, Indiana. This happened back on June 15, 2018, but was published online quite recently.

Eyewitness Report: A boomerang-shaped object that appeared to be a dull silver/gay was slowly moving across the sky. It seemed to hover for a short time and then started moving again in the same direction it had come from. It was a very sunny afternoon with no clouds. We were in the middle of a soy farm on a small race track.

I have about 4 minutes of video that I took with my phone. The object was very far away, but I was able to zoom in and capture it. I had to constantly move the phone to try and center it on the screen. It was hard to see it on the screen because the sun was high in the sky and it was hard for me to see my phone screen.


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